In discussing Tonsil stones or Tonsilloliths, it is vital to know what the Tonsils are in the first place. A tonsil in the human body refers to the gland-like feature which is present at the rear of the throat. They are usually composed of lymphocytes which are cells in the body which aid the prevention and fight against infections. They therefore play a part in the immune system of the human body.

symptoms of tonsil stones

Tonsil stones therefore refer to the accumulation and clustering of calcified materials which create crevices in the tonsils. They have been known to occur both on the palantine as well as the lingual tonsils. Tonsil stones are basically composed of Calcium as well as some other minerals and weigh between 300mg to 42g.

Tonsil stones may or may not produce symptoms. It has however been known to be suspected in bad breath as well as pain experienced from swallowing. Other symptoms include a feeling of tightness at the throat and a metallic taste. A more noticeable sign is when the sufferer coughs out small soft lumps which smell.

Another major symptom is the presence of a white coated tongue and this is usually due to the clogging of volatile sulphur on the tongue.
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